Program Usage

Console Application

Console application is a hybmesh or hybmesh.exe program which should be invoked from the OS shell. It is designed mostly for execution of hybmesh scripts (see Python Script Interface):

> hybmesh -sx [-silent] [-verbosity level]

Optional -silent flag is used to suppress all callback output from the program. Possible stdout output from the user script will still be shown.

-verbosity level options sets console output mode:

  • level=0 no output (same as -silent flag),
  • level=1 only exception reports,
  • level=2 adds procedures start/end reports,
  • level=3 adds progress bar imitation [default].
> hybmesh -help

prints usage help;

> hybmesh -v

prints installed hybmesh version;

> hybmesh -u

checks for latest release update in the github repository of the project (Internet connection is required).

Programming Interfaces

Hybmesh provides high-level object oriented front ends which could be used inside user applications written in C++, Java, Python (2 and 3), Matlab (Octave), C# (Mono) in Linux and Windows platforms. Almost full hybmesh functionality is available through these front ends.

After program being properly installed interface files could be found in include/* subdirectories of hybmesh install destination. They could be safely copied to target application directory and included into user projects using native language tools.

See High-Level Programming Interfaces for detailed description.

Troubleshooting and Caveats

On Windows platforms antivirus may block hybmesh executable. To fix that add hybmesh.exe to exceptions list.

HybMesh uses internal epsilon for geometrical comparison operations. Currently it equals 1e-8 (however, it could be decreased in future). Working with mesh steps lower than that value will lead to unpredictable results. Take into account that each operation starts with scaling of involved objects into unity square. All that means that if you have an area say in [0, 1e4] coordinate range then step sizes should not be greater than 1e-3 for reliable work. On the contrary, if coordinaties are in [0, 1e-4] square than processing steps of 1e-9 should be reliable.

To minimize computational errors zero point should be somewhere within meshing area. Use scaling and translation on the final step of generation if needed.

HybMesh is serial and not optimized for large data processing. Depending on system building grids with more than 1-2 million vertices could be rather slow.