
Linux Installation


The following packages (with their dependencies) should be already present in the system:

  • gcc C++ and Fortran compilers. C++ compiler should support C++11 standard. Minimum tested version is 4.8.3.
  • Python2.7 with decorator package installed.
  • CMake tool. Minimum tested version is 3.0.
  • Blas, Lapack, SuiteSparse libraries with development headers.
  • libxml2 with development headers.

Additionally you will need Octave with liboctave development headers and Java Development Kit to install Octave and Java bindings respectively. Other wrappers could be built without native tools.

These are terminal commands which provide all necessary dependencies on some systems:


Tested on clean newly installed OpenSuse 42.2 with factory defaults.

>>> sudo zypper in cmake gcc-c++ gcc-fortran blas-devel lapack-devel suitesparse-devel libxml2-devel

Debian based

Tested on clean newly installed Debian 8.0 and Ubuntu 16.04 with sudo available.

>>> sudo apt-get install g++ gfortran cmake libblas-dev liblapack-dev libsuitesparse-dev python-pip
>>> sudo pip2 install decorator

You may also wish to install cmake-qt-gui to be able to run make edit_cache to edit configuration in GUI mode.

Arch Linux

Tested on clean newly installed Arch Linux 2017.03.01 with sudo available.

>>> sudo pacman -S python2 python2-pip gcc-fortran blas lapack cmake suitesparse libxml2
>>> sudo pip2 install decorator


Download latest HybMesh source archive here, unpack it, open terminal in the source directory and execute

>>> mkdir build && cd build
>>> cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

If Java wrapper is needed but cmake fails to find correct path to JDK try to pass it manually. For example

>>> cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DJAVA_HOME=/usr/lib64/jvm/java-7-openjdk

Using the same approach octave custom path could be defined through OCTAVE_HOME variable.

Here you may invoke make edit_cache to edit installation configuration if needed. If your system already provides Gmsh shared library you can force HybMesh to use it instead of embedded (somewhat obsolete) one by assigning FIND_LIBGMSH variable and turning off USE_INTERNAL_LIBGMSH flag. To turn off certain wrapper installations use INCLUDE_***_BINDINGS flags. Change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX field to alter target installation path.

To proceed with installation execute

>>> make
>>> sudo make install

Run hybmesh -v to check if installation has been done properly. This should return installed version of hybmesh.

If python-sphinx is available you can also build html documentation by executing make from HybMesh/doc directory.


As a result of the above procedure (with default CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/):

  • hybmeshpack is installed as ordinary Python2 package,
  • hybmesh executable is copied to /usr/local/bin/,
  • Wrappers are copied to /usr/local/include/hybmesh/* subdirectories,
  • Additional libraries are installed into /usr/local/lib/hybmesh.

Windows Installation

To install HybMesh under Windows use installation distributive which could be found here. Only 64bit platform is supported.

By default hybmesh core binaries, html documentation and set of programming language wrappers will be installed into directory defined by user. Main hybmesh executable hybmesh.exe will be placed to bin subdirectory. Wrappers will be copied into include subdirectory. They already include compiled dynamic libraries and are ready to use (of course you will need respective runtimes). A shortcut to documentation main file index.html will be placed to root installation folder.

User may also choose to install hybmeshpack as a regular Python package (that is turned off by default). This will allow to utilize hybmesh script interface within python environment omitting hybmesh.exe call. Target system should provide a compatible 64bit Python2.7 with decorator package installed. That is not needed, however, if you want to use python programming interface which also supports Python3 linking. Note that hybmeshpack package is not self-sufficient. It refers to libraries located in hybmesh/lib directory with their absolute paths. If Hybmesh program is deleted or moved this package would become non-operable. Since package installation relies on python distutils setup procedure, uninstallation of Hybmesh will not result in removing of hybmeshpack.