Python Bindings for HybMesh


Python wrapper contains a source file and shared library core_hmconnection_py. To use it in your application (either Python 2 or Python 3) simply copy the source file into application directory and import it as normal python file as

from Hybmesh import Hybmesh

Shared library can be left where it is. Its absolute path along with absolute path to installed hybmesh executable is written into Hybmesh.hybmesh_lib_path and Hybmesh.hybmesh_exec_path static properties respectively. Those fields can be reassigned before first construction of Hybmesh object if default values are not correct.

Hybmesh class supports creation under python with statement. By calling it as

from Hybmesh import Hybmesh

with Hybmesh() as hm:
    # ... operations ...

it is guaranteed that superclass object will be destroyed immediately at the end of with block and hybmesh subprocess will be closed. Otherwise the subprocess will wait until garbage collector executes superclass destructor.

For detailed description of all methods consult python wrapper reference and embedded documentation of source file.

Helloworld Example

After installation of hybmesh create a directory with copied and the following files.
from Hybmesh import Hybmesh

with Hybmesh() as hm:
    g4 = hm.add_unf_rect_grid([0, 0], [1, 1], 2, 2)
    g4dims = g4.dims()
    print("number of cells = {}".format(g4dims[2]))

Run terminal command


Introductory Example

The following example illustrates numerical computation of an integral of a function (Gaussian hill) on a grid.

It uses Square in Circle prototype grid with three different outer step sizes. For each cell of the grid it calculates approximate center point, computes target function at that point and multiplies the result by the cell area.

This code could be run both on Python 2 and Python 3 interpreters.

import math
from Hybmesh import Hybmesh

# target function: Gaussian hill with the center at [0, 0]
def expfun(x, y):
    return math.exp(-(x*x + y*y)/(0.25))

# create Hybmesh connection under with block to guarantee
# its destruction after all
with Hybmesh() as hm:

    # loop over different outer step sizes
    for h in [0.2, 0.1, 0.05]:

        # create rectangle-in-cirlce grid prototype
        g = hm.add_circ_rect_grid([0, 0], 1.0, h)

        # get vertices as plain 1D array
        vertices = g.raw_vertices()

        # get cell-vertices table as plain array.
        # Here we already know that grid contains only quadrangular cells,
        # hence there is no need to call g.raw_tab("cell_dim") to know
        # how the plain cell_vert array should be subdivided.
        cell_vert = g.raw_tab("cell_vert")

        # calculating integral as the sum of cell areas multiplied by
        # cell center function values.
        result = 0
        it = iter(cell_vert)
        for ind in zip(it, it, it, it):
            # ind contains four vertex indices for current cell
            # x, y - are respective x and y coordinates
            x = list(map(lambda i: vertices[2*i], ind))
            y = list(map(lambda i: vertices[2*i+1], ind))
            # calculate function value at approximate cell center
            f = expfun(sum(x)/4.0, sum(y)/4.0)
            # calculate area
            x1, x2, x3 = x[1] - x[0], x[2] - x[0], x[3] - x[0]
            y1, y2, y3 = y[1] - y[0], y[2] - y[0], y[3] - y[0]
            area = 0.5*(x1*y2-y1*x2 + x2*y3-y2*x3)
            result += f * area

        print("h = {}: integral = {}".format(h, result))