C++ Bindings for HybMesh


Unlike all other wrappers C++ interface contains only single header file Hybmesh.hpp without any other dependencies. It could be copied into client application project directory or included directed from its location. To build that file C++ compiler should be set to support C++11 standard.

Since there is no dynamically linked libraries only a directory containing Hybmesh executable should be defined. Default path is set in wrapper source file through

#define DEFAULT_HYBMESH_EXE_PATH "/hybmesh/install/directory/"

macro directive.

To use another path create Hybmesh instance with optional string argument:

Hybmesh hm("custom/hm/path/");

Besides basic geometrical and exception classes Hybmesh superclass also provides 2 additional nested classes defining 2D and 3D Point which are used to pass point arguments to hybmesh methods.

All geometric nested classes (including point classes) provide special static method None() which returns a respective object that is treated as None-object. It is used for those hybmesh methods which accept such arguments (for example right and top contour arguments of Hybmesh.Hybmesh.add_custom_rect_grid())

For detailed description of all methods see python wrapper reference and documentation in Hybmesh.hpp file.

Helloworld Example

After hybmesh installation create a directory with copied Hybmesh.hpp and the following test.cpp file.

#include <iostream>
#include "Hybmesh.hpp"

int main(){
    Hybmesh hm;
    Hybmesh::Grid2D g2 = hm.add_unf_rect_grid(
            Hybmesh::Point2(0, 0), Hybmesh::Point2(1, 1), 2, 2);
    std::cout<<"number of cells: "<<g2.dims()[2]<<std::endl;

With gcc (or MinGW) compiler open terminal at created directory and run the following terminal commands

>>> g++ -o test test.cpp -std=c++11
>>> ./test

With VisualStudio compiler run Developer Command Prompt and invoke

>>> cl /EHsc test.cpp
>>> test.exe

Introductory Example

In the following example a unite operation between regular rectangular grid and ring grid is performed. Two grids are built by different Hybmesh instances in two different threads in parallel.

The secondary thread builds ring grid and saves it to file. The first thread builds rectangular grid, waits until secondary thread finishes its job, reads ring grid from file and performs grid union.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include "Hybmesh.hpp"

//==== parameters of basic grid: structured grid in a square
//bottom left point
double px1=0.0;
double py1=0.0;
//segmentation along axis
int nx=10;
int ny=10;
//sizes of the square
double Lx=1.0;
double Ly=1.0;

//==== parameters of secondary grid: ring-type grid
//ring center
double px2=0.5;
double py2=0.5;
//ring radii
double innerrad=0.1;
double outerrad=0.3;
//step size along the arc and radius of a ring
double arcstep=0.02;
double radstep=0.02;

//==== unite grids options
//Size of the buffer.
double bufsize=0.1;
//Leave ring internals blank.
bool empty_holes=true;
//Allow shift of secondary grid boundary vertices:
//only if secondary and basic grid boundaries intersect.
//allow remeshing of basic grid boundary:
//only if buffer zone includes basic grid boundary
bool fix_bnd=false;       
//least significant angle: only if grid boundaries are remeshed.
double angle0=5;
//Fill buffer with triangles
std::string filler="3";

//==== path to hybmesh executable
std::string hmexec="../../../../src/py";

//builds secondary grid and saves result into outfn
void grid_secondary(std::string outfn){
    //initialize builder
    Hybmesh builder2(hmexec);
    //calculate number of segmens in arc and radius directions.
    int na = (2.0 * 3.1415926 * innerrad)/arcstep;
    int nr = (outerrad-innerrad)/radstep;

    //build uniform ring grid prototype assigning
    //5 as its boundary feature
    Hybmesh::Grid2D g2=builder2.add_unf_ring_grid(
        Hybmesh::Point2(px2, py2),
        innerrad, outerrad,
        na, nr, 1.0, {5, 5});

    //export to native ascii file.
    //Initializer list {g2} converts g2 to single valued vector.
    builder2.export_grid_hmg({g2}, outfn);

int main(){
    //initialize main builder
    //Optional hmexec argument could be omitted.
    Hybmesh builder1(hmexec);

    //launch secondary grid builder in a separate thread
    std::thread builder2(grid_secondary, "g2.hmg");

    //build basic grid in the main thread assigning boundary types
    //1, 2, 3, 4 for left, bottom, right and top sides respectively.
    Hybmesh::Grid2D g1=builder1.add_unf_rect_grid(
        Hybmesh::Point2(px1, py1),
        Hybmesh::Point2(px1+Lx, py1+Ly),
        nx, ny,
        {1, 2, 3, 4});

    //wait until secondary grid is built and read it from the file
    std::vector<Hybmesh::Grid2D> g2v=builder1.import_grid_hmg("g2.hmg");
    Hybmesh::Grid2D g2=g2v[0];

    //turn on console output for unite operation

        Hybmesh::Grid2D result=builder1.unite_grids1(
            g1, g2, bufsize,
            empty_holes, fix_bnd, angle0, filler);

        //save the result
        builder1.export_grid_vtk(result, "result.vtk");

    } catch (Hybmesh::ERuntimeError& e){
        //controlled hybmesh exception has occured
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;